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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1677
  • Kun: nan
  • On: ヒン
  • Meaning: V.I.P., guest
  • Examples:
    迎賓館げいひんかんreception hall
    国賓こくひんstate guest
    来賓らいひんguest, visitor, visitor's arrival
    賓客ひんきゃく, ひんかくguest of honour, guest of honor, privileged guest, visitor
    貴賓きひんnoble visitor
    主賓しゅひんmain guest, guest of honor, guest of honour
    すい賓すいひん(in China) 7th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. G sharp); fifth lunar month
    比律賓ふぃりっぴん, フィリピン, フイリピンPhilippines
    佳賓かひんgood guest, interesting guest
    正賓せいひんguest of honor, guest of honour