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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:876
  • Kun: えが.く, か.く
  • On: ビョウ
  • Meaning: sketch, compose, write, draw, paint
  • Examples:
    描写びょうしゃdepiction, description, portrayal
    素描そびょうrough sketch
    描き出すえがきだすto delineate, to draw, to express, to imagine
    線描せんびょうline drawing
    描くえがく, かくto draw, to paint, to sketch, to depict, to describe
    絵に描いた餅えにかいたもちpie in the sky, castle in the air
    絵に描いた餠えにかいたもちpie in the sky, castle in the air
    絵描きえかきartist, painter
    弧を描くこをえがくto describe an arc
    自然描写しぜんびょうしゃdescription of nature