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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1555
  • Kun: か.ける, か.かる
  • On: カ
  • Meaning: erect, frame, mount, support, shelf, construct
  • Examples:
    架空かくうaerial, overhead, fiction, fanciful
    十字架じゅうじかcross, the Cross (of Christ)
    高架こうかoverhead structure
    unit of equipment, rack
    架線かせんaerial wiring
    担架たんかstretcher, litter
    架設かせつconstruction, building
    たるき, はえきrafter
    架橋かきょうbridge building, bridge; cross-linking
    ませshort roughly woven fence; divider between boxes (i.e. for box seats) in a theatre, etc.