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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:561
  • Kun: いな, いや
  • On: ヒ
  • Meaning: negate, no, noes, refuse, decline, deny
  • Examples:
    いいえ, いいや, いえ, いな, いやno, nay, well
    拒否きょひdenial, veto, rejection, refusal
    否定ひていnegation, denial, repudiation; NOT operation
    賛否さんぴyes and no, for and against
    拒否権きょひけんright of veto
    成否せいひsuccess or failure, outcome, result
    否決ひけつrejection, negation, voting down
    合否ごうひsuccess or failure, result
    可否かひpropriety, right and wrong, advisability; pro and con, ayes and noes
    安否あんぴsafety, welfare, well-being