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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2339
  • Kun: えびす
  • On: バン
  • Meaning: barbarian
  • Examples:
    野蛮やばんsavage, uncivilized, uncivilised
    蛮行ばんこうact of barbarity, brutality, barbarism
    南蛮なんばんsouthern barbarians (formerly used by the Chinese to refer to non-ethnic Chinese to the south); South-East Asia; Western Europe (esp. Spain and Portugal, their South-East Asian colonies, and their goods and people arriving in Japan via the colonies); exotic (esp. Western European or South-East Asian style); (in dance, puppetry, etc.) thrusting the right foot and right arm forward at the same time (or left foot and left arm); food prepared using chili peppers or Welsh onions
    蛮勇ばんゆうfoolhardiness, recklessness, savage valour, savage valor, brute courage
    蛮カラばんから, ばんカラscruffy, unconcerned about one's personal appearance; rough and uncouth vigor (vigour)
    南蛮人なんばんじんsouthern barbarian (used to describe Western Europeans who visited Japan prior to the Edo period, esp. the Spanish and the Portuguese)
    南蛮船なんばんせんforeign ship (esp. of Spanish and Portuguese ships arriving from the south prior to the Edo period)
    蛮境ばんきょうland of the barbarians
    蛮襟ばんから, ばんカラscruffy, unconcerned about one's personal appearance; rough and uncouth vigor (vigour)
    蛮語ばんごlanguage of the barbarians