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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2081
  • Kun: わずら.う, わずら.わす
  • On: ハン, ボン
  • Meaning: anxiety, trouble, worry, pain, ill, annoy, nuisance, irksome
  • Examples:
    煩雑はんざつcomplex, intricate, complicated, confused, troublesome, vexatious
    煩わしいわずらわしいtroublesome, annoying, complicated
    煩悩ぼんのうklesha (polluting thoughts such as greed, hatred and delusion, which result in suffering)
    煩いうるさいnoisy, loud; fussy; annoying, troublesome, tiresome, importunate; bossy
    煩うわずらうto worry about, to be concerned about, to be afflicted with, to suffer from
    煩わすわずらわすto trouble, to bother, to annoy, to give trouble
    煩さがるうるさがるto feel annoyed at
    煩がるうるさがるto feel annoyed at
    煩いわずらいworry, agony, vexation