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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1198
  • Kun: しげ.る, しげ.く
  • On: ハン
  • Meaning: luxuriant, thick, overgrown, frequency, complexity, trouble
  • Examples:
    繁栄はんえいprospering, prosperity, thriving, flourishing
    頻繁ひんぱんfrequent, incessant
    繁殖はんしょくbreed, multiply, increase, propagation
    繁華街はんかがいbusiness district, shopping district, bustling street, shopping centre, shopping center, downtown
    繁盛はんじょうprosperity, flourishing, thriving
    繁忙はんぼうpressure of business, busy
    繁茂はんもluxuriant growth
    繁るしげるto grow thickly, to be in full leaf, to be rampant, to luxuriate, to be luxurious
    農繁期のうはんきbusy farming season
    繁繁しげしげfrequently, often; fixedly, narrowly, closely