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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1764
  • Kun: しば.る
  • On: バク
  • Meaning: truss, arrest, bind, tie, restrain
  • Examples:
    縛るしばるto tie, to bind
    縛り首しばりくび(death by) hanging
    呪縛じゅばくcurse, spell
    束縛そくばくrestraint, shackles, restriction, confinement, binding
    金縛りかなしばりbinding hand and foot, temporary feeling of paralysis
    縛りつけるしばりつけるto tie
    縛めいましめcaution, admonition, warning, lesson; prohibition, ban, commandment, precept; caution, guard; punishment; binding (with rope), binds
    縛めるいましめるto bind (with rope, etc.)
    緊縛きんばくbind tightly; (sexual) bondage
    歯を食い縛るはをくいしばるto bear up in tragedy, to stand pain well, to hold one's temper