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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1233
  • Kun: と.まる, と.める
  • On: ハク
  • Meaning: overnight, put up at, ride at anchor, 3-day stay
  • Examples:
    泊まりとまりstay, stopover, anchorage, night duty
    停泊ていはくanchorage, moorings
    淡泊たんぱくlight (color, colour, taste), simple, plain; frank, candid, ingenuous, indifferent
    一泊いっぱくstopping one night
    泊まるとまるto stay at (e.g. hotel); to be docked, to be berthed, to be moored
    寝泊まりねとまりstaying or lodging at
    はくcounter for nights of a stay
    泊めるとめるto give shelter to, to lodge
    漂泊ひょうはくroaming, drifting about, wandering