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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1232
  • Kun: うめ
  • On: バイ
  • Meaning: plum
  • Examples:
    うめ, ウメplum, Japanese apricot, prunus mume; lowest (of a three-tier ranking system)
    梅雨ばいう, つゆrainy season; rain during the rainy season
    梅雨明けつゆあけthe end of the rainy season
    青梅あおうめunripe plum
    梅雨前線ばいうぜんせんseasonal rain front
    梅雨入りつゆいり, にゅうばいentering the rainy season, beginning of the rainy season
    梅干しうめぼしdried plum
    梅酒うめしゅsake with plums, unripe Japanese apricots soaked in spirits
    梅林ばいりんume (plum) grove
    紅梅こうばい, べにうめred-blossomed plum tree, red Japanese apricot