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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:97
  • Kun: した, しも, もと, さ.げる, さ.がる, くだ.る, くだ.り, くだ.す, -くだ.す, くだ.さる, お.ろす, お.りる
  • On: カ, ゲ
  • Meaning: below, down, descend, give, low, inferior
  • Examples:
    もとunder (esp. influence or guidance)
    下げるさげるto hang, to lower, to move back, to wear, to dismiss, to grant
    引き下げひきさげreduction, cut
    下りくだりdown-train (going away from Tokyo); down-slope, downward going
    下院かいんlower house, lower (legislative) body
    下車げしゃalighting (from train, bus, etc.), getting off
    地下ちかbasement, cellar, underground place; underground, below ground; secret, under cover; underground (railway), subway, metro
    低下ていかfall, decline, lowering, deterioration, degradation
    以下いか, いげnot exceeding, and downward, ... and below; below (e.g. standard), under (e.g. a level); the below-mentioned, the following, the rest
    殿下でんか, てんがyour Highness, his (or her) Highness