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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:417
  • Kun: はたら.く
  • On: ドウ, リュク, リキ, ロク, リョク
  • Meaning: work, (kokuji)
  • Examples:
    働きはたらきwork, workings, activity, ability, talent, function, labor, labour, action, operation, movement, motion, conjugation, inflection, achievement
    労働ろうどうmanual labor, manual labour, toil, work
    労働者ろうどうしゃlaborer (labourer), blue-collar worker
    労働省ろうどうしょうMinistry of Labour (now Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
    労働党ろうどうとうLabour Party, Labor Party
    労働組合ろうどうくみあいlabor union, labour union
    労働条件ろうどうじょうけんworking conditions
    稼働かどうoperation (of machine), actual work
    共働きともばたらき(husband and wife) both working, dual income
    働かせるはたらかせるto put someone to work, to make someone work