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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:751
  • Kun: たたか.う, あらそ.う
  • On: トウ
  • Meaning: fight, war
  • Examples:
    戦闘せんとうbattle, fight, combat
    闘争とうそうstrife, conflict
    春闘しゅんとうspring offensive (Japanese unions)
    共闘きょうとうjoint struggle, common (united) front
    健闘けんとうfighting bravely, strenuous efforts; good luck!, good fight
    闘志とうしfighting spirit, (will to) fight
    闘うたたかうto fight, to battle, to combat, to struggle against, to wage war, to engage in contest
    闘病とうびょうfighting against an illness
    格闘かくとうhand-to-hand fighting, grappling, scuffling
    敢闘かんとうfighting bravely