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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:723
  • Kun: ふ.む, ふ.まえる
  • On: トウ
  • Meaning: step, trample, carry through, appraise, evade payment
  • Examples:
    踏まえるふまえるto be based on, to have origin in
    踏切ふみきりrailway crossing, railroad crossing, train crossing, level crossing; starting line, scratch; determination; stepping over the edge of the ring (in sumo)
    踏むふむto step on, to tread on; to experience, to undergo; to estimate, to value, to appraise; to rhyme; to inherit (the throne, etc.); to follow (rules, morals, principles, etc.)
    足踏みあしぶみstepping, stamping, marking time
    踏み絵ふみえtablet bearing Christian images, on which Edo-period authorities forced suspected Christians to trample
    踏ん張るふんばるto brace one's legs, to straddle, to stand firm, to plant oneself (somewhere), to hold out, to persist
    雑踏ざっとうcongestion, traffic jam, throng, hustle and bustle
    踏み入れるふみいれるto walk in on, to tread upon
    踏み込みふみこみstepping into, breaking or rushing into