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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1645
  • Kun: いた.む
  • On: トウ
  • Meaning: lament, grieve over
  • Examples:
    追悼ついとうmourning, memorial
    哀悼あいとうcondolence, regret, tribute, sorrow, sympathy, lament
    悼むいたむto grieve over, to mourn, to lament
    戦没者追悼記念日せんぼつしゃついとうきねんびMemorial Day (US)
    追悼会ついとうかいmemorial services
    追悼式ついとうしきmemorial services
    悼辞とうじfuneral address, message of condolence, words of condolence
    死を悼むしをいたむto mourn over the death of
    戦没者追悼式せんぼつしゃついとうしきmemorial service for the war dead
    哀悼痛惜あいとうつうせきcondolence, mourning, sorrow, lamentation