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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:110
  • Kun: たび, -た.い
  • On: ド, ト, タク
  • Meaning: degrees, occurrence, time, counter for occurrences
  • Examples:
    制度せいどsystem, institution, organization, organisation
    程度ていどdegree, amount, grade, standard, of the order of (following a number)
    今度こんどnow, this time, next time, another time
    態度たいどattitude, manner, behaviour
    何度なんどhow many times?, how often?
    前年度ぜんねんどpreceding fiscal year
    年度ねんどyear, fiscal year, school year, term
    一度いちど, ひとたびonce, one time, on one occasion; temporarily, for a moment; one degree, one tone, one musical interval
    今年度こんねんどthis year
    二度にどtwo times, twice; two degrees