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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:0
  • Kun: まつ.わる, まと.う, まと.める, まと.まる, まと.い
  • On: テン, デン
  • Meaning: wear, wrap, tie, follow around, collect
  • Examples:
    纏いつくまといつくto entwine, to follow about
    纏うまとうto put on, to wear, to be clad in
    纏まりまとまりconclusion, settlement, consistency
    纏めまとめsettlement, conclusion, summary
    纏めるまとめるto put in order, to collect, to bring to a conclusion, to put (it all) together
    纏わるまつわるto be related to, to concern, to be associated with
    纏まるまとまるto be collected, to be settled, to be in order
    纏わりつくまつわりつく, まとわりつくto coil about, to follow about
    纏るまつるto blindstitch the inside of a fold with (equally spaced) threadings (i.e. pulling shoe lacing tight)
    纏まったまとまったlarge, heavy, massed; definite, coherent, congruous, unitary