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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:0
  • Kun: は.まる, は.める, うず.める, しず.める, ふさ.ぐ
  • On: テン, チン
  • Meaning: fill in
  • Examples:
    補填ほてんcompensating or making up for
    填めるうずめるto cover, to bury (e.g. one's face in hands), to submerge; to fill (completely), to stuff, to pack, to cram, to fill up
    填めるはめるto insert, to put in (such that there is a snug fit); to have sex, to fuck; to pigeonhole (into a particular category); to place a ring-shaped object around something (esp. one that restricts freedom, such as handcuffs); to entrap, to set someone up (i.e. frame them for a crime, etc.)
    填まるはまる, ハマるto get into, to go into, to fit, to be fit for, to suit, to fall into, to plunge into, to be deceived, to be taken in, to fall into a trap, to be addicted to, to be deep into
    填るはまる, ハマるto get into, to go into, to fit, to be fit for, to suit, to fall into, to plunge into, to be deceived, to be taken in, to fall into a trap, to be addicted to, to be deep into
    充填じゅうてんfill (up), plug, replenish, filling (in tooth), loading (gun with ammunition, camera with film)
    装填そうてんcharge, load, fill
    填補てんぽsupplementation, replenishment; compensation, indemnification
    損失補填そんしつほてんcompensation for a loss