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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2484
  • Kun: わだちい, わだち
  • On: テツ
  • Meaning: rut, wheel track
  • Examples:
    わだち, てつrut, wheel track, furrow
    途轍も無いとてつもないextravagant, absurd, unbelievable, preposterous, unreasonable
    途轍もないとてつもないextravagant, absurd, unbelievable, preposterous, unreasonable
    転轍てんてつswitching or shunting (of a rail car)
    転轍機てんてつき(railroad) switch
    轍叉てっさrailway frog
    前轍ぜんてつwheel tracks left by vehicles that have passed before
    轍を踏むてつをふむto repeat a mistake (of somebody), to make the same mistake as that of ...
    前車の轍を踏むぜんしゃのてつをふむto repeat the mistake of somebody, to make the same mistake as that of ...