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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:564
  • Kun: つ.む
  • On: テキ
  • Meaning: pinch, pick, pluck, trim, clip, summarize
  • Examples:
    指摘してきpointing out, identification
    摘発てきはつexposing, unmasking, laying bare
    摘出てきしゅつpicking out, exposing, taking out, -ectomy (suf) (surgical removal)
    摘むつまむto pinch, to hold, to pick up
    摘み洗いつまみあらいwashing only the soiled part (of a garment)
    摘みつまみknob, handle, button; (file) handle; snack (to have with a drink), side dish; a pinch (e.g. of salt); picking, harvesting
    摘まみつまみknob, handle, button; (file) handle; snack (to have with a drink), side dish; a pinch (e.g. of salt); picking, harvesting
    摘むつむto pluck, to pick, to trim
    摘まむつまむto pinch, to hold, to pick up
    お摘みおつまみsnacks to go with alcohol