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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:0
  • Kun: かなえ
  • On: テイ
  • Meaning: three legged kettle
  • Examples:
    かなえthree-legged kettle
    鼎談ていだんtripartite (three man) talk
    鼎談会ていだんかいthree-man talk, tripartite talk
    鼎立ていりつtriangular position, three-cornered contest
    鼎立戦ていりつせんthree-way contest
    鼎坐ていざsitting in a triangle
    鼎座ていざsitting in a triangle
    鼎の軽重を問うかなえのけいちょうをとうto call one's ability into question, to weigh one's ability
    鼎革ていかくchange of dynasty
    三者鼎立さんしゃていりつthree parties (forces) opposing one another, three-cornered contest