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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:435
  • Kun: ひく.い, ひく.める, ひく.まる
  • On: テイ
  • Meaning: lower, short, humble
  • Examples:
    低めるひくめるto lower, to be lowered
    最低さいていleast, lowest, worst; nasty, disgusting, horrible, yuck!
    低下ていかfall, decline, lowering, deterioration, degradation
    低迷ていめいhanging low (over), hovering around (price level), low hanging (e.g. clouds), sluggish (e.g. economy), slump, recession
    低いひくいlow (height, tone, rank, degree, cost, etc.), short
    低価格ていかかくlow price
    低水準ていすいじゅんsubstandard, low-level
    低調ていちょうinactive, slow, sluggish, slack, low tone, undertone, dullness, (market) weakness
    低気圧ていきあつlow (atmospheric) pressure, cyclone, bad temper, tense situation