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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2197
  • Kun: つぼ
  • On: コ
  • Meaning: jar, pot, hinge knuckle, one's aim
  • Examples:
    つぼ, つほ, つふjar, pot, vase; dice cup; depression (i.e. the basin of a waterfall); target (when aiming an arrow); (figurative) bull's-eye; key point (of a conversation, etc.); acupuncture point, moxibustion point; fingerboard (of a shamisen, etc.)
    hu (ancient Chinese vessel shaped like a vase, usually used to store alcohol)
    骨壷こつつぼfunerary urn
    滝壷たきつぼbasin under a waterfall
    墨壷すみつぼink bottle, carpenter's inking device
    鮹壷にこもるたこつぼにこもるto be trapped in an octopus pot
    火消し壷ひけしつぼcharcoal extinguisher
    火消壷ひけしつぼcharcoal extinguisher
    油壷あぶらつぼoilcan, oil container
    蛸壷たこつぼoctopus pot, foxhole