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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:292
  • Kun: まち
  • On: チョウ
  • Meaning: town, village, block, street
  • Examples:
    まち, ちょうtown, block, neighbourhood, neighborhood; street, road; 109.09 m; 0.99 hectares
    市町村しちょうそんcities, towns and villages, municipalities
    同町どうちょうthe same town, that town
    町長ちょうちょうtown headman, town mayor
    町内ちょうないneighborhood, neighbourhood, street, block, town
    下町したまちShitamachi, lower parts of town
    町村ちょうそんtowns and villages
    町並みまちなみstreet (of stores and houses), townscape, (look of) stores and houses on street
    室町むろまちMuromachi (era 1392-1573, or 1333-1573, or 1336-1573)