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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1303
  • Kun: こ.りる, こ.らす, こ.らしめる
  • On: チョウ
  • Meaning: penal, chastise, punish, discipline
  • Examples:
    懲役ちょうえきpenal servitude, imprisonment with hard labor (hard labour)
    懲戒ちょうかいdiscipline, punishment, reprimand
    懲罰ちょうばつdiscipline, punishment, reprimand
    懲りるこりるto learn by experience, to be disgusted with
    勧善懲悪かんぜんちょうあくrewarding good and punishing evil, novel or drama with a rewarding-good-and-punishing-evil theme, moral purpose, morality play
    懲罰委員会ちょうばついいんかいdisciplinary committee
    懲らしめるこらしめるto chastise, to punish, to discipline
    懲らすこらすto chastise, to punish, to discipline
    勧善懲悪劇かんぜんちょうあくげきmorality play