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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1840
  • Kun: とむら.う, とぶら.う
  • On: チョウ
  • Meaning: condolences, mourning, funeral
  • Examples:
    弔問ちょうもんcondolence call
    弔辞ちょうじmessage of condolence, memorial address
    弔意ちょういcondolence, sympathy, mourning
    弔うとむらう, とぶらうto mourn for, to hold a memorial service for, to condole
    慶弔けいちょうcongratulations and condolences
    弔い合戦とむらいがっせんbattle of revenge
    弔電ちょうでんtelegram of condolence
    弔するちょうするto mourn, to condole
    弔いとぶらい, とむらいfuneral, burial, condolence
    哀弔あいちょうsympathetic condolences