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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2206
  • Kun: くぼ.む, へこ.む, ぼこ
  • On: オウ
  • Meaning: concave, hollow, sunken
  • Examples:
    凹凸おうとつunevenness, roughness, ruggedness
    おうconcave, hollow, sunken
    凸凹でこぼこ, とつおうunevenness, roughness, ruggedness
    凹ますへこますto dent, to indent, to depress, to humiliate
    凹ませるへこませるto dent, to indent, to depress, to humiliate
    凹まるくぼまるto be low (as a hollow)
    凹むへこむto be dented, to be indented, to yield to, to give, to sink, to collapse, to cave in; to be snubbed, to be overwhelmed, to feel down, to be forced to yield
    凹めるくぼめるto hollow out
    凹レンズおうレンズconcave lens
    凹みくぼみ, へこみhollow, cavity, dent, depression