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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:479
  • Kun: nan
  • On: ダン, タン
  • Meaning: grade, steps, stairs
  • Examples:
    段階だんかいgradation, grade, stage, steps, order, class, phase
    手段しゅだんmeans, way, measure
    だんstep, stair, (flight of) steps, (row of) stitches, columns (of print); grade, rank, level; counter for breaks in written language (or speech, etc.)
    値段ねだんprice, cost
    一段といちだんとgreater, more, further, still more
    段ボールだんボール, ダンボール(corrugated) cardboard
    階段かいだんstairs, stairway, staircase
    普段ふだんusual, habitual, ordinary, everyday, always
    一段いちだんmore, much more, still more, all the more; part (of a talk); Japanese verb group; first rank (in martial arts, etc.)
    現段階げんだんかいpresent stage, current phase; current rank, present grade