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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2113
  • Kun: おい.て, お.ける, ああ, より
  • On: オ, ヨ
  • Meaning: at, in, on, as for
  • Examples:
    に於いてにおいてin, on, at (place), as for, regarding
    に於けるにおけるin, at, on, as for, regarding, with regards to
    於いておいてat, in, on
    於けるおけるin, at
    於乎ああ, アーAh!, Oh!, Alas!; Yes, Indeed, That is correct; Hey!, Yo!; Uh huh, Yeah yeah, Right, Gotcha
    於戯ああ, アーAh!, Oh!, Alas!; Yes, Indeed, That is correct; Hey!, Yo!; Uh huh, Yeah yeah, Right, Gotcha
    全てに於て勝るすべてにおいてまさるto excel in every respect
    正義の名に於てせいぎのなにおいてin the name of justice
    己所不欲勿施於人おのれのほっせざるところひとにほどこすことなかれdon't do unto others what you would not have done unto you
    此処に於てここにおいてnow, at this time; as such, for this reason, hence