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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2316
  • Kun: たた.く, はた.く, すぎ
  • On: コウ
  • Meaning: strike, beat, hit, thrash, criticize
  • Examples:
    叩きたたき, タタキmince (minced meat or fish); robbery, extortion; hard-packed dirt (clay, gravel, etc.) floor, concrete floor
    叩きのめすたたきのめすto knock down, to beat up (till unable to stand)
    叩きつけるたたきつけるto strike, to throw, to slap something onto
    叩くたたく, はたくto strike, to clap, to dust, to beat; to play drums; to abuse, to flame (e.g. on the Internet), to insult; to use up money
    叩きはたき(feather) duster
    叩きあげるたたきあげるto work one's way up
    ハエ叩きハエたたき, はえたたきfly swatter
    ぶっ叩くぶったたくto beat vigorously, to rain stikes upon someone, to tan someone's hide, to mericlessly pummel, to beat the daylights out of
    モグラ叩きモグラモグラたたきwhack-a-mole (game)
    引っ叩くひっぱたくto slap, to strike, to spank