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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1676
  • Kun: たか
  • On: ヨウ, オウ
  • Meaning: hawk
  • Examples:
    たかfalcon (Falconidae family), hawk
    鷹匠たかじょうfalconer, hawker
    禿鷹はげたか, ハゲタカvulture
    兀鷹はげたか, ハゲタカvulture
    鳶が鷹を生むとんびがたかをうむ, とびがたかをうむEven plain parents can produce a genius child, A great person may be born of perfectly ordinary parents
    能ある鷹は爪を隠すのうあるたかはつめをかくすa wise man keeps some of his talents in reserve, one shouldn't show off, the person who knows most often says least
    夜鷹よたか, ぶんぼちょうgrey nightjar (Caprimulgus indicus); nightjar (any bird of family Caprimulgidae), goatsucker; streetwalker; soba vendors who walk around at night, soba sold by these vendors
    鷹揚おうよう, おおようlargehearted, generous
    鷹派たかはhawk or hardline faction