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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:66
  • Kun: か.わる, かわ.る, かわ.り, -がわ.り, か.える, よ, しろ
  • On: ダイ, タイ
  • Meaning: substitute, change, convert, replace, period, age, counter for decades of ages, eras, etc., generation, charge, rate, fee
  • Examples:
    代わりかわり, がわりsubstitute, deputy, proxy, alternate, relief, compensation, second helping; in place of, as a substitute for
    時代じだいperiod, epoch, era, age; the times, those days; oldness, ancientness, antiquity; antique, period piece
    代表だいひょうrepresentative, representation, delegation, type, example, model
    現代げんだいnowadays, modern era, modern times, present-day
    世代せだいgeneration, the world, the age
    近代きんだいpresent day, modern times
    代理だいりrepresentation, agency, proxy, deputy, agent, attorney, substitute, alternate, acting (principal, etc.)
    交代こうたいalternation, change, relief, relay, shift, substitution (sports, etc.)
    代議だいぎrepresenting others in a conference
    代行だいこうacting as agent