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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2412
  • Kun: そろ.える, そろ.う, そろ.い, き.る
  • On: セン
  • Meaning: be complete, uniform, all present
  • Examples:
    揃いそろいset, suit, uniform
    揃うそろうto become complete, to be all present; to be equal, to be uniform; to gather, to assemble
    揃えるそろえるto put things in order, to arrange, to make uniform, to get something ready
    揃ってそろってall together, in a body, en masse, all alike
    揃わないそろわないunequal, uneven, incomplete, odd
    お揃いおそろいsame, matching, going together
    一揃いひとそろいset, suit
    一揃えひとそろえset, suit
    供揃いともぞろいattendants, retinue