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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2147
  • Kun: つばめ, つばくら, つばくろ
  • On: エン
  • Meaning: swallow (bird)
  • Examples:
    つばめ, ツバメswallow (bird of the Hirundinidae family), martin; barn swallow (Hirundo rustica); younger man involved with an older woman
    燕雀えんじゃくsmall birds
    燕青拳えんせいけんYangqingquan, Yangqing Fist
    燕巣えんそう, えんずswift's nest (used to make bird's nest soup), edible bird's nest
    虎燕拳こえんけんTiger Swallow Fist
    燕麦えんばく, からすむぎ, カラスむぎ, カラスムギwild oat (Avena fatua), wild oats; oat (Avena sativa), oats
    飛燕ひえんswallow in flight
    海燕うみつばめ, ウミツバメstorm petrel (any bird of family Hydrobatidae)
    燕千鳥つばめちどりsmall Indian pratincole (bird) (Glareola lactea), large Indian pratincole (Glareola maldivarus)