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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:343
  • Kun: あし, た.りる, た.る, た.す
  • On: ソク
  • Meaning: leg, foot, be sufficient, counter for pairs of footwear
  • Examples:
    あしfoot; leg; gait; pace; bottom structural component (i.e. radical) of a kanji; means of transportation
    不足ふそくinsufficiency, shortage, deficiency, lack, dearth
    発足ほっそく, はっそくstarting, inauguration, launch, founding, establishment, start-up
    満足まんぞくsatisfaction; sufficiency
    足並みあしなみpace, step
    足元あしもと, そっかat one's feet, underfoot; gait, pace, step; you, thou
    手足てあしone's hands and feet, limbs
    足跡あしあと, そくせきfootprints
    出足であしstart, turnout; constant forward movement (sumo)
    足場あしばscaffold, footing, foothold