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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:918
  • Kun: たば, たば.ねる, つか, つか.ねる
  • On: ソク
  • Meaning: bundle, sheaf, ream, tie in bundles, govern, manage, control
  • Examples:
    約束やくそくarrangement, promise, appointment, pact, engagement; convention, rule
    結束けっそくunion, unity
    拘束こうそくrestriction, restraint, binding
    たばbundle, bunch, sheaf, coil
    花束はなたばbunch of flowers, bouquet
    札束さつたばroll of banknotes
    装束しょうぞく, そうぞく, そうずくcostume, personal appearance, interior decoration, landscaping, furniture
    約束手形やくそくてがたpromissory note
    束縛そくばくrestraint, shackles, restriction, confinement, binding
    収束しゅうそくconvergence, tie up