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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:998
  • Kun: うなが.す
  • On: ソク
  • Meaning: stimulate, urge, press, demand, incite
  • Examples:
    促進そくしんpromotion, acceleration, encouragement, facilitation, spurring on
    促すうながすto urge, to press, to prompt, to suggest, to demand, to stimulate, to quicken, to incite, to invite (attention to)
    催促さいそくrequest, demand, claim, urge (action), press for
    督促とくそくurge, demand, importunity
    あく促あくせくfussily, busily, sedulously, worrying about (small things)
    催促状さいそくじょうdun, letter requesting money, etc.
    促音そくおんassimilated sound (small "tsu" in Japanese), geminate consonant
    促進剤そくしんざいaccelerant, stimulant
    促成そくせいpromotion of growth
    促成栽培そくせいさいばいraising out-of-season crops with artificial heat