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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1069
  • Kun: さわ.ぐ, うれい, さわ.がしい
  • On: ソウ
  • Meaning: boisterous, make noise, clamor, disturb, excite
  • Examples:
    騒ぎさわぎuproar, disturbance
    騒動そうどうstrife, riot, rebellion
    騒ぐさわぐto make noise, to clamor, to be excited, to be alarmed, to kick up a fuss, to make merry, to be annoying, to be troublesome, to make a noise
    大騒ぎおおさわぎclamour, uproar, tumult
    騒然そうぜんnoisy, confused, uproarious
    騒乱そうらんdisturbance, riot, mayhem
    お祭り騒ぎおまつりさわぎfestival merrymaking, revelry
    物騒ぶっそうdangerous, disturbed, insecure
    喧騒けんそうtumult, great noise, clatter, hustle and bustle