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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:311
  • Kun: おく.る
  • On: ソウ
  • Meaning: escort, send
  • Examples:
    送るおくるto send (a thing), to dispatch, to despatch; to take or escort (a person somewhere), to see off (a person); to bid farewell (to the departed), to bury; to spend (time), to live one's life; to pass (down the line); to affix okurigana
    放送ほうそうbroadcast, broadcasting
    輸送ゆそうtransport, transportation
    送りおくりseeing off, sending off; funeral; escapement
    見送りみおくりseeing one off, farewell, escort
    見送るみおくるto see off (e.g. to the station, an airport, etc.), to escort (e.g. home), to farewell; to see out, to send off; to let pass, to wait and see, to continue (e.g. in legal contexts); to let a pitch go by (baseball), to watch a batted ball go into the stands
    運送うんそうtransport, freight, shipping
    送金そうきんremittance, sending money