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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:402
  • Kun: はや.い, はや, はや-, はや.まる, はや.める, さ-
  • On: ソウ, サッ
  • Meaning: early, fast
  • Examples:
    早期そうきearly stage
    はやalready, now, by this time
    早急さっきゅう, そうきゅうurgent
    早朝そうちょうearly morning
    早めるはやめるto hasten, to quicken, to expedite, to precipitate, to accelerate
    早々そうそう, はやばやearly, all in good time; quickly, promptly; just- (opened, started, etc.)
    早いはやいfast, quick, hasty, brisk; early (in the day, etc.), premature; (too) soon, not yet, (too) early; easy, simple, quick
    素早くすばやくquickly, nimbly, agilely
    早乙女さおとめyoung female rice planter, young girl