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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2436
  • Kun: くさむら, むら.がる, むら
  • On: ソウ, ス
  • Meaning: plexus, clump of bushes, thicket
  • Examples:
    叢書そうしょseries (of publications), library (of literature)
    くさむらclump of bushes, grassy place, thicket, jungle, the bush
    一叢ひとむらcopse, crowd, herd
    稲叢いなむらstack of rice straw
    叢雨むらさめpassing shower
    叢雲むらくもcloud masses
    叢時雨むらしぐれautumn shower, fall shower
    叢生そうせいdense growth, healthy growth
    叢談そうだんcollection of stories
    叢氷そうひょうpack ice