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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:818
  • Kun: お.く
  • On: ソ
  • Meaning: set aside, give up, suspend, discontinue, lay aside, except
  • Examples:
    措置そちmeasure, step
    措いておいてexcept, no other
    措くおくto give up, to except
    を措いてをおいてother than, excluding, without
    挙措きょそbehavior, behaviour, manner
    措辞そじwording, phraseology, diction
    報復措置ほうふくそちreprisals, retaliatory measures
    予算措置よさんそちbudgetary provision
    措定そていassumption, supposition
    窮措大きゅうそだいpoor student (scholar)