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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2120
  • Kun: かしわ, すす.める, そな.える
  • On: ゼン, セン
  • Meaning: small low table, tray
  • Examples:
    ぜんsmall dining table (usu. for a single person), serving tray (with legs); meal, food, serving; counter for bowlfuls of rice, counter for pairs of chopsticks
    お膳おぜんfour-legged tray for festive food
    一の膳いちのぜん1st course at a banquet
    一膳いちぜんbowl (of rice); pair (of chopsticks)
    一膳飯屋いちぜんめしやquick lunch
    陰膳かげぜんtray for absent one
    会席膳かいせきぜんelaborate dinner tray
    二の膳にのぜんside dish
    本膳ほんぜんregular dinner
    据え膳すえぜんmeal set before one; women's advances