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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:747
  • Kun: の.びる, の.べる, の.べ, の.ばす
  • On: エン
  • Meaning: prolong, stretching
  • Examples:
    延長えんちょうextension, elongation, prolongation, lengthening; Enchou era (923.4.11-931.4.26)
    延期えんきpostponement, adjournment
    延命えんめいlong life, longevity; macrobiotics
    遅延ちえんdelay, latency
    引き延ばしひきのばしextension, prolongation
    延滞えんたいarrears, (being) overdue, delay (e.g. in payment), procrastination
    延びるのびるto stretch, to extend, to lengthen, to spread; to make progress, to grow (beard, body height); to grow stale (soba); to be straightened, to be flattened, to be smoothed; to be exhausted; to be postponed, to be prolonged
    延べのべfutures; credit (buying); stretching; total, gross
    延焼えんしょうspread of fire