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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:27
  • Kun: まえ, -まえ
  • On: ゼン
  • Meaning: in front, before
  • Examples:
    午前ごぜんmorning, a.m.
    前年ぜんねんthe preceding year, the previous year, last year
    前回ぜんかいlast time, last installment, last instalment, last session
    前提ぜんていpreamble, premise, reason, prerequisite, condition, assumption, hypothesis
    前日ぜんじつ, まえびprevious day, the day before
    直前ちょくぜんjust before
    名前なまえname, full name; given name, first name
    前半ぜんはん, ぜんぱんfirst half
    以前いぜんago, since, before, previous
    事前じぜんprior, beforehand, in advance