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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1008
  • Kun: ぜに, すき
  • On: セン, ゼン
  • Meaning: coin, .01 yen, money
  • Examples:
    せんhundredth of a yen; coin made of non-precious materials; one-thousandth of a kan (as a unit of currency); one-thousandth of a kan (as a unit of mass)
    金銭きんせんmoney, cash
    銭湯せんとうbath-house, public bath
    小銭こぜにcoins, small change
    釣り銭つりせんchange (e.g. for dollar)
    ぜにround coin with a (square) hole in the center; coin made of non-precious materials; money
    身銭みぜにone's own money
    さい銭さいせんmonetary offering
    あぶく銭あぶくぜにeasy money
    日銭ひぜにdaily income in cash, money paid by daily installments, money paid by daily instalments