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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1417
  • Kun: あさひ
  • On: キョク
  • Meaning: rising sun, morning sun
  • Examples:
    旭日きょくじつrising sun
    あさひmorning sun
    旭旗きょっきrising sun flag
    旭光きょっこうrays of the rising sun
    旭日昇天きょくじつしょうてんfull of vigor and vitality (like the rising sun) (vigour), being in the ascendant
    旭暉きょっきrays of the rising sun
    旭日章きょくじつしょうOrders of the Rising Sun
    旭蟹あさひがにred frog crab
    旭日旗きょくじつきJapan's naval ensign, Japanese flag used on military ships
    旭日大綬章きょくじつだいじゅしょうGrand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun