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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:173
  • Kun: さき, ま.ず
  • On: セン
  • Meaning: before, ahead, previous, future, precedence
  • Examples:
    先にさきにbefore, earlier than, ahead, beyond, away, previously, recently
    先月せんげつlast month
    先進国せんしんこくadvanced (developed) country, advanced nations
    先生せんせいteacher, master, doctor; with names of teachers, etc. as an honorific
    先発せんぱつforerunner, advance party, going on ahead; being in a (team sports) match or game from the start, starting
    優先ゆうせんpreference, priority, precedence
    先進せんしんseniority, advance, leadership
    先頭せんとうhead, lead, vanguard, first
    先行せんこうpreceding, going first, leading, going ahead, taking priority
    先週せんしゅうlast week, the week before