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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1165
  • Kun: ひじり
  • On: セイ, ショウ
  • Meaning: holy, saint, sage, master, priest
  • Examples:
    棋聖きせいgreat master of go (shogi)
    聖域せいいきsacred precincts, sanctuary, consecrated ground
    聖書せいしょBible, scriptures
    聖地せいちsacred place, holy ground, the Holy Land
    聖戦せいせんholy war, crusade
    聖火せいかsacred fire (torch); Olympic flame
    聖堂せいどう(Confucian) temple, church, sanctuary
    神聖しんせいholiness, sacredness, dignity
    聖職者せいしょくしゃclergyman, churchman, clergy
    聖母せいぼbirth mother of a holy man (or woman); Virgin Mary