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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:897
  • Kun: こ.す, -こ.す, -ご.し, こ.える, -ご.え
  • On: エツ, オツ
  • Meaning: surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam
  • Examples:
    越えるこえるto cross over, to cross, to pass through, to pass over (out of); to exceed
    三越みつこしMitsukoshi (department store)
    勝ち越しかちこしmore wins than losses (sport)
    越しごしacross, over, beyond
    持ち越すもちこすto carry over, to carry forward, to keep (for later), to defer
    上越じょうえつarea on Japan Sea side of Japan, including Niigata
    引っ越しひっこしmoving (dwelling, office, etc.), changing residence
    中越ちゅうごしover center field (centre)
    越境えっきょうborder transgression
    越年えつねんring out the old year, hibernation